
  • I…

    miss pulses. Who’s with me?


  • meow

    ImOh hello there

    I’m at work eating my lunch right now. It is quite yummy, except the coffee, which is gross. But hey, gotta feed my addiction! Gotta fight the sleepy!20130922_205442

    I’m super stoked to find that I can update my blog from my. Phone. Woot! Well work is super needing me right now. Because I’m awesome. So bye xanga


  • Been arrested? no
    Kissed someone you didn’t like? no
    Slept in until 5 PM? no..I think I have slept until 4 though.
    Ran a red light? yes..literally right outside the police station
    Been suspended from school? no. but then, I was homeschooled. suspension was useless :P
    Experienced love at first sight? no
    Totalled your car in an accident? no, which is kind of a miracle the way I drive.
    Been fired from a job? no
    Fired somebody? no
    Sang karaoke? yes. korean karaoke at a korean bar.
    Pointed a gun at someone? no
    Had a gun pointed at you? no
    Done something you told yourself you wouldn’t? Yes
    Caught a snowflake on your tongue? yes
    Kissed in the rain? no
    Had a close brush with death (your own)? no
    Seen someone die? No
    Played spin-the-bottle? no
    Smoked a cigar? no
    Have a tattoo? No
    Sat on a rooftop? yes
    Smuggled something into another country? no
    Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes? no
    Broken a bone? yes
    Eaten a bug? on accident
    Sleepwalked? no
    Walked a moonlit beach? yes
    Rode a motorcycle? maybe…
    Dumped someone? no
    Lied to avoid a ticket? No
    Ridden in a helicopter? no
    Shaved your head? No
    Made your girlfriend/boyfriend cry? no
    Eaten snake? no
    Marched/Protested? no
    Had Mexican jumping beans for pets? no
    Puked on amusement ride? no
    Seriously & intentionally boycotted something? no
    Been in a band? no
    Been on TV? yes
    Shot a gun? yes, if BB guns count
    Skinny-dipped? no
    Gave someone stitches? no
    Ridden a surfboard? No
    Drank straight from a liquor bottle? yes
    Had surgery? yes
    Streaked? no
    Taken by ambulance to hospital? no
    Passed out when not drinking? no
    Peed on a bush? no
    Donated Blood? no
    Grabbed electric fence? no
    Eaten alligator/croc meat? yes
    Killed an animal when not hunting? no
    Peed your pants in public? no
    Snuck into a movie without paying? no
    Written graffiti? no
    Still love someone you shouldn’t? No
    Been in handcuffs? no
    Believe in love? Yes
    Sleep on a certain side of the bed? I sleep diagonal!


  • what is up with life insurance agencies wanting to hire me? I got two back to back calls from the same place yesterday. they are the ones I got the most calls and emails from when I was job hunting. nowhere on my resume does it say I am am a salesperson or am seeking a customer service job! so weird. they must really be desperate for people. so if any of you are looking for a job, look at life insurance agencies lol

  • so

    I’m trying to get posting again. alas, i’m not much for writing, so i’m afraid my posts won’t have too much content in them.

    but oh well.

    tonight I went to gymnastics for the first time in….a while. YAY


    and now I leave you with my nostrils. they’re so crooked :o


  • hey

    hey there xanga kiddos, how’s it going

    this weekend I got to go to an amusement park, it was super duper funs. although, I know I don’t look like I’m having fun here. but I was.


    I also went to a dress up as anything you want birthday party. I still don’t know what I was.


    and I went to a balloon festival! and saw big balloons! and I found a monster D:


  • hello there

    oh hello new xanga. how are you?077

    it is this one’s birthday today. she is 18!

  • well well well

    looks like you will be here for a while more xanga.

    to show my appreciation, I give you star trek ponies.


  • smell ya later

    well xanga, it’s been real. I took a goodbye photo for you, from me and Joy.

    Picture 47

    so in case I did not say it on here…I have a big kid job now as a for reals engineer, still not sure how that happened, but I am enjoying it a lot and feel so fortunate to have a good job.

    here I am looking like a big kid going to work.


    I think I was tired this day.


    also, I went to a wedding in Arkansas the other weekend. it was gorgeous but I got some crazy bug bites.



    and I made friends with a bear.


    and got some mountain dew.


    the drive was pretty, but very long. google lied about the trip length.


    this is a picture of me and joy. I am posting it for no reason in particular. but my blog consisted of lots of photos of me and lots of photos of her and lots of photos in general, so I guess it works.


    if you want, you can email me at galadrielspitcher@gmail.com

    I have also started a wordpress. and I have a boothica. I doubt any of you have boothica but you should check it out, it’s neat. I have a tumblr but don’t really use it.




    so yeah, find me there or email me if you want me.
    otherwise, it was nice smelling you.

    Picture 53

    eewwwwwwwwwwwww xanga you smelly

    Picture 52

    bat panda out!

  • good morning!

    good morning, xanga!

    I guess I could have made that a pulse, but it’s been too long since I did an entry, so here you go.

    peace out!

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