November 21, 2012

  • super trash bag ray ray

    @Under_the_Ghillie recently gave me some fashion advice. He told me about how cheap, warm, and fashionable burlap sacks are. Now, I don’t have any burlap sacks, but I do have trash bags. See how I wore it below.

    Picture 007

    This trash bag thing is good for all sorts of things, such as riding around on the superrayraymobile

    I think I am onto something here. It even offers protection against oncoming traffic! watch as I escape death, thanks to my magical trash cape.

    I thank The Doug™ for his hand in my newly found favorite clothing item.

November 18, 2012

  • fruit

    Today I went to the store to buy fruit. I would love to get some blueberries, but they are super duper expensive now that they are out of season!

    credit to @quantumstorm for this question!
    If you could eat any fruit, regardless of price or season, which would you choose?


    soooooo my computer is currently being repaired. i realized I still had it under warranty though, so that is pretty great. yay free computer repair! I wish I had it back here again though. it has been about 3 weeks since I got to play the sims and I am really getting antsy to play it again. it doesn’t help that everywhere I look there are ads for the sims 3 seasons.


    the hunt for grad school continues! deadlines are coming up fast. I hope I can get all my materials in on time.

    also, I want a new dress. and boots. and jacket.
    we’ll see if I can hold out until I have christmas money.

November 13, 2012

November 12, 2012

  • Banana Bread

    I made some banana bread last night. It’s been a while since I did a cooking post, so I decided to take photos and document it all for a blog :) .

    The recipe is as follows:

    1 cup dark brown sugar
    1 cup applesauce
    3 or 4 bananas
    3 cups whole wheat flour
    1 tsp salt
    1.25 cups buttermilk
    2 tsp baking soda
    2 tsp baking powder
    2 tsp vanilla extract
    .5 cups chopped pecans

    This is actually a recipe my mom found online. We altered it a bit. For example, the recipe called for white sugar instead of brown and shortening instead of applesauce. But applesauce is neat little alternative. It still makes the bread moist, but with much less fat. The recipe also called for normal flour rather than whole wheat, but I like the whole wheat.

    I started by chopping the pecans. I love pecans.

    I then added the brown sugar, applesauce, and eggs in a large mixing bowl.

    Next up were the bananas! when you make banana bread, it’s best to use very ripe bananas. They should be ripe to the point where you would never dare to eat them. You have to catch them right before they rot, basically. This is because the banana flavor is very strong and will help flavor the bread. The bananas I have here aren’t actually as ripe as they really should be, but I didn’t want to wait around for them to ripen any longer :P

    I cut the bananas up and added them to the rest of the mix.

    I mixed all this together this before adding anything else. Next, I added the flour and the other ingredients.

    I mixed everything together for a while, until the bananas appeared to be fully mashed and evenly spread.

    Next, I prepared the loaf pans. Yay oil! After that I poured the mixture into the pans.

    I baked them for about an hour. The length of time really just depends on what shape pan you put them in. I also sprinkled some more pecans on the tops while they were in the oven.


November 5, 2012

November 4, 2012

  • lost breakfast!

    This morning I decided to keep on sleeping instead of getting up for church. I was just so tired. My mom had made breakfast for me. I thought it would be there when I finally got up. But when I did wake up I found this posted on the stove.



    And that’s what I get for skipping church. My mother gave my breakfast away. I then made myself another breakfast. I will definitely remember this sad lesson the next time I consider skipping church.

November 1, 2012

October 29, 2012

  • job search blah!

    job search is going slowly. i wanted to try working for a while before grad school to see how i liked it, but i haven’t found anything. it’s disappointing, but not that much when i remember that i do want to go back to school, and didn’t intend to stay out of school for very long anyway. I think I will go ahead and check out programs for next fall and apply and see what happens. i’m still glad i didn’t apply to attend this fall. had I done that I would have probably applied for a biochemistry or organic chemistry program and I’m not so sure that’s what I want to do. I love studying it, but I’m not sure I would want that as a career. so now I am going to read up on programs and what careers they lead into and see what else would be good for me.

  • laaaaa

    Q be blowin up mah feed
